Yoga Classes

In Person

Yoga Class Timetable 2024 - In person

Horton, Ilminster - Dowlish Wake, Ilminster

Over Stratton, South Petherton

Do you feel the need to move and nurture your body? Would you like to find connection with your body and mind through your breath, movement and meditation? Do you need space to still the mental chatter? Would you like to join a community of like minded people?

Join me on your yoga journey for a weekly class - easily book using my timetable below.


9:30 - 10:30 Options

Energising Morning Flow
Horton Village Hall, Ilminster

10:45 - 11:45 Options

Gentle Chair Hatha Yoga
Horton Village Hall, Ilminster

18:00 - 19:00 Options

Strong Mind & Body
Horton Village Hall, Ilminster

19:15 - 20:15 Options

Pregnancy Yoga
Horton Village Hall, Ilminster


10:00 - 11:00 Options

Gentle Hatha Chair Yoga
Speke Hall, Dowlish Wake, Ilminster

18:00 - 19:00 Options

Strong Mind & Body
Stratton and District Village Hall,

Over Stratton, South Petherton

19:10 - 20:10 Options

Strong Mind & Body
Stratton and District Village Hall,

Over Stratton, South Petherton


10:00 - 11:30 (tea & chat to 12noon) Options

Postnatal Yoga with Baby Yoga & Massage
Horton Village Hall, Ilminster

This class starts with some ‘settling in’ time, either seated or lying down. We’ll then begin more energising and dynamic movement with some standing balances and fun, playful challenges!

Together we’ll explore how active movement can create space and stillness in the mind. While this might be a more ‘active’ class, I’ll always encourage you to listen to your body and move in a way that feels easeful for you, with the option to take rest whenever you need it.

Energising Morning Flow

This class is a meditative practice to help you cultivate a strong mind and body.

We’ll create strength slowly and steadily with sun salutations (a flowing set of movements that build strength, mobility and flexibility) that are linked with a calming breath .

Strong Mind & Body

Pregnancy Yoga

This class provides you with the tools to aide your pregnancy using movement, breath work, visualisation and meditation through pregnancy to help you relax, strengthen and prepare for surges and the experience of birthing.  This class is ideal from 14 weeks to birth.

Gentle Chair Hatha Yoga

This class is a gentle and meditative practice, with held postures. We’ll create strength and mobility slowly and steadily with variations of movements that may include support such as chairs, the wall and yoga props provided by me to build strength, mobility and flexibility whilst connecting with a calming breath .

These postnatal classes include Baby Yoga and Massage. It’s fun and playful, with singing for baby and gentle movement, and precious time to bond. Whilst building back inner-strength and flexibility in the postnatal body.

We will use the practices of breath work, asana sound work and meditation.

Postnatal Yoga with Baby Yoga & Massage

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