Pregnancy Yoga & Postnatal Yoga with Baby Yoga & Massage
Congratulations on your pregnancy and becoming a parent. This time is so special - take time to Breathe, Relax and Listen to your body.
Welcome to Lissa Milton Yoga & Mindfulness for pregnancy, birth and beyond. These fantastic classes are a great way to prepare your body and mind during pregnancy for the birth of your child. Once baby is born we cannot only bond with baby and prepare and repair your body but it’s a great way to meet new people, to make new friends, and to share experiences, thoughts and ideas. There are no manuals to help us find our feet and build confidence at this special and potentially daunting time in life, but there are people, friends and our community to share with. Whether you already have a yoga practice, are a beginner or anything in between, you are very welcome to come and join this warm and welcoming space.
Yoga for Pregnancy
Through use of movement (asana), breath work (pranayama) and meditation, in this friendly course we will discover the tools to build strength in the body and mind to support you through your pregnancy and labour. We will move, breathe and experience a deeply nourishing and easeful practice whilst bonding with baby, bringing balance of mind and body. Whether you already have a yoga practice, are a beginner or anything in between - you are very welcome to come and join this warm and welcoming space. This practice of 60 minute classes, can help you and baby relax, strengthen, and prepare your body for baby’s entrance into this world .
This class is recommended for mums from 14 weeks to 42 weeks,
Each class starts with a short sharing circle, followed by movement, breath practice and deep rest. I hold space, guide and encourage you through the appropriate movement for your stage of pregnancy. You know your body and I encourage you to listen to it at all times and always offer the option to rest, without question.
Please complete the Pregnancy Registration Form and return to me before attending your classes.
Join me in Horton
I offer this class in Horton Village Hall, Horton, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9QR
Purchase a Pregnancy Five Class Pass
Purchase a Pregnancy Ten Class Pass
If its more accessible for you to pay as you go, this is available below
Postnatal Yoga with Baby Massage & Yoga
Postnatal yoga with baby yoga and massage can be a great way to ease yourself back into exercise. We will learn baby massage and yoga, with playful songs. Through touch, we will use the technique of dry baby massage supporting communication and bonding with baby whilst easing wind, constipation, cramps, colic symptoms. As soon as baby is born, it is learning and taking in its surroundings. Whilst unable to talk, babies show their emotions though facial expressions, movement and sound. Baby yoga and massage can be a fantastic way to settle and learn about your little one, deepen your relationship and can also help with postnatal blues. Group relaxation is also mutually beneficial for parents and babies, enhances non-verbal communication as well as the benefits of muscular stretching to relieve stiffness and growing pains.
During this practice of 75 minute classes, I hold space for parent and baby, encourage you to listen to your body. Through the use of gentle movement (asana), breath work (pranayama) and meditation. We will build inner strength and flexibility in the postnatal body, whilst finding inner space, calm and fun, helping you and baby bond, relax and strengthen following birth. You know your body and I encourage you to listen to it at all times and always offer the option to rest, without question. Joining others in a similar season of life, can be hugely beneficial for our wellbeing, as well as fun socially joining new and experienced parents.
Each class will start with a short sharing circle, followed by baby massage and yoga with nursery rhymes. Parents will experience a deeply nourishing practice to strengthen, restore and find an easeful breath. Please bring a (yoga) mat for yourself and blanket for baby (I have spare mats). Whether you already have a yoga practice, are a beginner or anything in between - you are very welcome to come and join this warm and welcoming space. This class is recommended following your six week check-up (8 weeks if you’ve had a caesarean or episiotomy) until baby starts crawling.
Please complete the Postnatal Registration Form and return to me before attending your classes.
Join me in Horton
Horton Village Hall, Horton , Ilminster TA19 9QR
I am offering these classes as 5 week blocks of set dates.
To book your space head to my pricing page.
Purchase the next Postnatal 5 Class Block starting Thursday 26th September 2024
Purchase Postnatal 5 Class Block starting Thursday 7th November 2024
If its more accessible for you to pay as you go, this is available below
We look forward to moving with you, connecting and breathing, finding stillness amongst the chaos, and most of all having fun, and building a community.
These courses will continue to roll in 5 & 6-week blocks as advertised however, are available to purchase as single classes for mums nearing their birth due date or preferring to pay as you go, and as a ten class pass which offers a larger discount.
Warmest wishes,